Welcome to my homepage!
The information placed on this Website has been prepared for the purpose of providing information to future clients who seek expert legal advice in the area of civil law, in particular economic and (foreign) commercial matters. We provide legal services that range from giving legal advice through drafting contracts, to dealing with litigious or non-litigious matters, even in English.
My offices can be found in Aszód and in Budapest as well where I look forward to meet my clients after making an appointment.
Dr. József Szigetvári
attorney-at-law, foreign trade economist
Personalised approach and confidentiality for each client
In Hungarian and in English
Extended circle of experts
Effective and practical approach
Long-term legal representation of companies and contract work
Dr. József Szigetvári lawyer, registered Pest County Bar Association, maintains this website under the laws for attorneys
and internal regulations, which along with information on the rights of clients
at www.magyarugyvedikamara.hu can be found.